Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blood Oranges!

Every now and then we pick up a bag of grapefruit that someone has left for others who would like to have them.  Many people here can't have grapefruit because it interferes with some of the medicine they take, so they're happy to give them to someone who can enjoy them.

The other day we picked up a bag of grapefruit, and noticed another bag carefully labeled Blood Oranges.  We were curious, so we decided to give them a try.  We quickly found that they are well named.  Here's a picture of one of the blood oranges sliced open:

A sliced blood orange.

The juice they make is equally sanguine.  Take a look at our morning orange juice, as produced with the blood oranges:

Blood orange juice.  Quite a contrast between the blood orange and the white grapefruit.

Looks like a drink fit for a vampire!  Actually, the taste is almost identical to that of a normal orange, and you might not even notice the difference if you were drinking your orange juice blindfolded.

Apparently, blood oranges are popular in Italy, and are the ones in common usage there.  You might want to keep that in mind if you travel to Italy and order some orange juice.

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