Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cherry Springs Nature Sign

Not long ago, I was contacted by naturalist Sheri Covert at the Cherry Springs Nature Area new Pocatello, Idaho.  She was putting together an interpretive sign to inform visitors about some of the interesting insect life to be found there, and asked if she could use some of my dragonfly pictures.  I was happy to help with a project like that, and I supplied her with pictures of the species she was looking for.  Here's the sign, which looks quite nice:

Here's an enlargement of the dragonfly section:

All of these pictures are ones I've taken over the last few years.  It's nice to see them being used in a good cause like this.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Whisperer Speaks

On Saturday, February 1, I gave a couple talks at the Sound Waters environmental conference held in Oak Harbor.  The first talk was on identifying Puget Sound dragonflies, and the second one was on interesting aspects of dragonlfy behavior.

Here's a description of the talk:

Here's the description of my background:

I gave the participants the following two-page handout:

The talk went very well, with lots of great responses from the audience.  It made it a delightful experience for everyone.