Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Case of the Calendar Kids

Jennifer and Gary came to visit few couple weeks ago, and as we chatted I mentioned that Walker Physics had appeared in the online version of the New York Times.  The article was about students trying to pay back their student loans, and the photo showed a student in his dorm room with a copy of Walker Physics sitting on the desk.

A few days later, Jennifer turned the page on the school calendar at Mariner High School, which is the school where she works.  What a surprise when she saw that one of the photos showed students she knows at the school looking at a copy of the fourth edition of Walker Physics, which is used at Mariner for their AP Physics course.  

Here's the calendar page:

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Adventure of the Holiday Newsletter

I thought I'd try out the idea of a holiday newsletter.  Maybe next year I can do it in hardcopy, but for now I'll try a digital form.

Here goes:

Friday, December 20, 2013

Snow Day!

Well, the predictions of snow came true.  We saw just a light amount of snow coming down last night before going to bed, and awoke this morning to 2-3 inches, with snow still coming down.  It is tapering off now, and is supposed to melt away later today.

Here are some pics from this morning:

Our snowy back yard.  Betsy is tending to one of the hummingbird feeders.
Snow on the beach at the marina, and at Washington Park in the distance.
The view from the front door.  Quite a wintry scene.
One of our resident crows hanging out in the snow.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Is Coming!

We've started receiving Christmas cards, so I thought it would be a good time to send out greetings of the season from the Happy-face Darner to the readers of "The Adventures of Jim and Betsy" blog.  Happy Holidays!