Monday, November 11, 2013

Sunset Boulevard

We get a lot of nice sunsets here in Anacortes.  Here's one from a few days ago that looked like there was a raging fire behind Burrows Island.  Very interesting effect.

The sun is setting behind Burrow's Island.

With the mist hanging over the summit of Burrow's Island, it makes it look like there's a fire behind the island.

The intense colors in this close-up shot are similar to the way it appeared to the eye.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sun Mountain Lodge

Last week, Betsy and I went for a couple days to Sun Mountain Lodge in Winthrop, WA.  We usually go there in the summer for birding and dragonflying, but had never gone in the Fall.  We're glad we did – the weather was beautiful, and such a nice change from the persistent fog in Puget Sound the last couple of weeks.

Here's the lodge as viewed from out room:

Sun Mountain Lodge from our room.

The Fall colors were more than we had hoped for.  Here are some samples from around the grounds of the Lodge:

Betsy at Sun Mountain Lodge.
Admiring the Fall foliage.
Fall colors everywhere.
Colorful leaves were on the ground and in the trees.
Nice views from the mountains …
… to the Moon.

Here's a view from the Lodge down toward Lake Patterson:

Lake Patterson and the road home.

We also saw some nice birds.  Here are a couple:

A Golden-crowned Kinglet.
A female Hairy Woodpecker.

There were lots of dragonflies, too.  In fact, we saw two different species of darners and six species of meadowhawks.  Here's a photo of two species of meadowhawks sitting side-by-side:

Two male meadowhawks.  On the left a Saffron-winged Meadowhawk, and on the right a Band-winged Meadowhawk.

All in all, a wonderful couple days off to enjoy the Fall.