Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Adventure of the Bronzed Cowbird

In Washington State we see Brown-headed Cowbirds, which are nest parasites on other birds.  They lay their eggs in the nests of songbirds and warblers, and their young are then raised by the unsuspecting host birds.  One summer we saw a small Yellow Warbler feeding a cowbird baby that was considerably larger than the warbler itself.

Here in Arizona we also see Bronzed Cowbirds, which don't occur up north.  They look similar at first glance, but the Bronzed Cowbird is a bit larger, has a thick neck, and sports bright red eyes.  Here's one that was outside our kitchen window a few days ago.

A male Bronzed Cowbird at our home in Arizona.

Quite a handsome bird.  I wonder what species of bird raised this guy.